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Bases: BaseModel

Represents a member of an archive file. This is immutable, hashable, and supports equality checking.

checksum class-attribute instance-attribute

checksum: int = 0

CRC32 checksum if the archive is a ZipFile, RarFile, or SevenZipFile. Header checksum if archive is a TarFile.

compressed_size class-attribute instance-attribute

compressed_size: ByteSize = ByteSize(0)

Compressed size of the archive member.

datetime class-attribute instance-attribute

datetime: UTCDateTime = min

The time and date of the last modification to the archive member.

is_dir class-attribute instance-attribute

is_dir: bool = False

True if the archive member is a directory, False otherwise.

is_file class-attribute instance-attribute

is_file: bool = False

True if the archive member is a file, False otherwise.

name instance-attribute

name: str

Name of the archive member.

size class-attribute instance-attribute

size: ByteSize = ByteSize(0)

Uncompressed size of the archive member.